St Dominic the Adventurer Award @ Tallong

Did you know that St Dominic himself was an adventurer? Well, some of our Year 4s have tapped into the spirit of St Dominic and embraced his zest for adventure and curiosity throughout the program. The students graduated from the St Dominic the Adventurer program at Tallong on the weekend as they used their skills to build rafts, learnt how to build fires and also shelters. Best of all, they embraced the challenges of the High Ropes course! At the end of the day, the students were awarded badges for learning their skills and contributing to the program

The St Dominic the Adventurer Award was a combination of service, prayer and learning skills to help participants be strong little adventurers who can take on the world and the challenges that lie ahead. The students and parents had a great weekend celebrating the award and enjoying the beauty of Tallong.

We look forward to continuing the program next year as our Del Monte adventurers continue their journey!

Images courtesy Giovanni Portelli

Christopher Walker
Coordinator of Outdoor Education & Experiential Learning