Religious Education News

A Short School Prayer

Almighty God We give you our school.
We give you all the teachers and staff who work here,
We give you all the children who study here.
We pray our school would be a place of great discovery, adventure and creativity.
May it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love,
A place where everyone is respected and all are deeply valued.
We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord.



Welcome back to Term 4, We begin our term in the month of the Rosary. October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. The month begins with the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary celebrated on 7 October. The Rosary is a devotion in honour of the Virgin Mary. The Rosary is a sequence of prayers intended to help us grow in our faith as we come to understand more and more about the life, the death, the resurrection and the Ascension of Jesus Christ, and about the Church and who we are in the Lord. The Rosary can be prayed in its entirety or just one decade at a time. Take time to pray the Rosary this month.


In the  sacrament of Holy Communion, we remember what Jesus did for us in his life, death and resurrection. We remember particularly the Last Supper, that final meal Jesus shared with his disciples. At that meal, Jesus gave us the Eucharist so that we could remember him in a special way. When we receive Communion, we believe that we receive the person of Jesus into our very beings. We become one with him, and we become one with each other. As a community, we become ‘the body of Christ’

 We pray for our students who have received the Sacrament of First Communion during the last few months.

Tina Nicotina
Religious Education Coordinator P-6
Acting Co-assistant to the Head of Primary Campus P-4
Year 3 teacher