Gioia House Pastoral

This term our Action Girl Pastoral Program focus is resilience. This week, the Gioia House students watched a performance titled ‘Be Brave’. Throughout the performance, students looked at how to be in tune with their emotions, coping strategies when they have to deal with change, loss, friendships and other stressful life events. The Being Brave performance provided the students with positive strategies they can use to cope with emotions and adapt to change at home, at school and online.

During our Action Girl Pastoral lessons, we will continue to discuss and unpack some of the situations that were brought up during the performance and how each character was able to process their emotions and deal with each situation. Being Brave encourages students to feel empowered and seek help to face life’s challenges with confidence and compassion. The performance also reminded the students about the importance of online cyber safety and to always talk to a trusted adult when faced with challenging life situations. We encourage parents to talk to their child about some of the themes brought up in this performance, maintain open communication and discuss strategies to use when challenges arise.

Action Girls

We have had a positive start to the term with many students displaying Action Girl qualities through their words and actions each day. It is wonderful to see students wearing their uniform correctly and with pride each day. What a great start to Term 4.

Congratulations to the following students who received an Action Girl award and badge:

Year 5 Action Girls
Isabel Boustani
Ava Ettorre
Victoria Hidalgo
Ava Staveris

Year 6 Action Girls
Maria Fredericks
Kyra Gomes
Jet Martin
Chloe To 

Project Pearls – Philippines donations

Thank you to all the Gioia House students and families who generously donated to Project Pearls Charity and provided clothes, shoes, activity packs and hygiene items for children and people in need in Manilla, Philippines. The Kitchen-Garden Club also sold plants during their lunchbreak time and donated all the money raised to Project Pearls Charity.

Thank you to Mr John Pane for collecting the donations and organising the items to be packed and shipped to the Philippines. We hope our small contribution will help the community in Manilla.

Community Time

This week our Gioia House community time focused on personal wellbeing. Students identified ways they can relax, calm their mind, reset, have a positive outlook and be in tune with personal emotions. We discussed looking after your mental health is as important as looking after your physical health. The students took part in mindfulness colouring-in, drawing, writing a prayer or reading. 

Marisa Maks
Assistant Head of Gioia House