From the Primary School

From the Primary School

Cook4Good – Kids Giving Back

At SCEGGS, our goal is to empower the girls to become kind and socially mindful community members. One of the ways we achieve this is through the guidance of Mr Lee-Lindsay, who shares his experiences of active service during Chapel and sheds light on the challenges and inequalities faced by people in our local area. He also encourages the girls to contribute actively by donating items needed by those he seeks to support.

In line with this spirit of service inspired by Mr Lee-Lindsay, the Year 5 girls recently participated in a program called Cook4Good, organised by Kids Giving Back. This program aims to foster a culture of learning whilst instilling values of compassion and service in the participants. During the experience, the girls had the opportunity to learn about homelessness in Australia and were particularly moved by the story of their team leader, who had personally experienced homelessness. Motivated by this newfound understanding, the girls then enthusiastically cooked a total of 206 nutritious meals and assembled breakfast boxes for those experiencing homelessness and food scarcity.

Through this hands-on experience, the girls not only developed practical cooking skills but also gained a deeper appreciation for the challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness and the importance of action in making a difference. Some of the students share the reflections below.

Year 5 Reflections

“We learned from today’s experience that kindness and effort are the two most important qualities of life.”

“I learnt from today’s experience that the people who sleep on the streets (sleep rough) make up only 9% of the homeless population. The other 93% of homeless people are finding refuge with other people by couch surfing, they might live in cars and sometimes even rubbish bins that have lids on them so that they can keep warm. Another thing that I learnt was that there are about 44,000 children under the age of 10 who are homeless and there are over 200,000 people who are homeless in Australia.”

“After this amazing experience I am much more grateful to have a warm and safe home, fresh food on the table every day and my wonderful pets.”

“I have learnt from today’s experience that you should always be generous and kind because some people might be going through tough times and even small acts of kindness can really make a big difference.”

Kristy Williams & Felicity Permezel
Year 5 Teachers