From Ms Allum

From Ms Allum

Wilkinson House DA Approved!

I am very excited to share with the SCEGGS community that the development application for the SCEGGS Darlinghurst – Adaptive re-use of Wilkinson House (SSD-19989744) has been approved!

This means that William Smart’s beautiful, functional and sustainable vision for Wilkinson House will now be realised. Students and teachers can look forward to 10 great new learning areas that are large, light-filled and support a full range of learning modes. There will be an extension to the Sports Hall as well as light-filled spaces for recreation.

Hopefully, it might be possible for construction work to start at the end of the year with a view for us to occupy the building in late 2024. We are very grateful for the support we have received through the Light Her Path capital campaign to bring this vision to life. The campaign is ongoing, however the DA approval is a significant milestone in our journey to develop our small footprint in inner-city Darlinghurst for our current and future generations.

The approval has been the culmination of two submissions, consultation with our local community, neighbours, local indigenous representatives, government bodies and heritage experts which we will continue as we move towards the build. An overview of our consultation process is available here.

The upcoming Festival of Forbes on Sunday 21 August is a great opportunity to visit the SCEGGS campus where the SCEGGS Trust will be hosting tours of Wilkinson House and will share an overview of the new development.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Jenny Allum
Head of School