School Cafeteria

School Cafeteria

Linking Student ID Cards to your FlexiSchools account

Did you know that students can pay for purchases/orders in the School Cafeteria with their Student ID card? To enable this, the student ID card needs to be linked to your FlexiSchools account.

You can find the instructions on how to do this here. The instructions are also available on the SCEGGS Portal, on the School Resources page.

The student card number is visible at the bottom of the ID Card.

Students wishing to pay with their SCEGGS student card at the Cafeteria must present their SCEGGS student card to the Cafeteria staff who are required to see the photo before a purchase is made as these cards are linked to debit cards/credit cards via Flexischools.

Students will not be permitted to make a purchase with a card if:

  • The image on their card has been damaged/destroyed/defaced so that their photo is no longer clear or visible on the card
  • They choose not to show their photo to the cafeteria staff
  • … and most importantly, the image on the card they show is not them!

If a new student card is needed for any reason, students are advised to please see Mrs Moss in the General Office and she will let you know how to order a new one and the costs to do so. Other alternatives for purchasing are to pre-order online using Flexischools or to pay with a physical debit/credit card.