From Ms Allum

From Ms Allum

We have submitted the Development Application for Wilkinson House!

Since I last wrote to you on this matter, the required Heritage Conservation Management Plans (one for the SCEGGS site, and one for Wilkinson House) have been submitted and endorsed by the Planning Secretary.

Over the last 18 months, a huge amount of work has been done to fully develop and finesse our new plans for Wilkinson House, to protect the heritage of the building and produce a stunning and functionally excellent educational facility. We have prepared the detailed Environmental Impact Statement, and planned the logistics (including a construction program and traffic management plan), required to bring the building to completion. The proposed design has carefully considered and incorporated environmentally sustainable features which will enhance the learning environments throughout the building. We have consulted with the local residents, the City of Sydney, local indigenous representatives  and the Government Architect throughout all of this work.

Our documentation has passed the Test of Adequacy and we submitted the full Development Application last week. It will now be considered by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, and go through further consultations and all of the approvals processes including a public exhibition period. We are very excited!

I know you would all like to see some of the latest images of the design.