Marist Sisters’ College Campus Experience Evening 2024

Each year we open our college to New Marist Sisters’ Families, at our annual Campus Experience Evening 2024 (Open day) on Tuesday 5 March 4.00pm – 7.30pm.
This is a great opportunity to visit the college, hear from our Principal Dr Ireland, tour the college, see performances, ask questions and experience what it’s like to study at Marist Sisters’ College.
Be sure to let your family and friends know about the event, and advise them to book early.
Registrations are now open via our website or using the following links:
Booking link – Session 1 – 4.15pm  Principal Address
Booking link – Session 2 – 5.45pm  Principal Address
We look forward to welcoming them onsite!
Mrs Hayley Stuart, Enrolment Officer
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8