From the Principal
MSCW High Achievers’ 2023 shine!
Congratulations to our Class of 2023, who returned to the College last week, for HSC Achievement celebrations. It was wonderful to see the girls, who through their consistent application to hard work and a tenacious personal commitment achieved so highly. Along with the college staff, their parents and grandparents were brimming with pride as each of their daughters were recognized at the formal Assembly for significant success. Their stunning HSC success adds to past achievements of our HSC students and is one of the best results in the 116-year history of the College. We are so proud of the girls.
So, just what was the secret to their success? Clearly evident was the determined personal approach each girl adopted as an individual. Interestingly, this approach tended to ‘rub off ‘on to others, thereby enhancing everyone’s effort. It was not about being the best – it was more about being better than yesterday, or as Aristotle reminded us 2000 years ago: “Without work and stamina, you won’t be able to achieve much. Nothing in life will be ‘given to you’”. It was all about their industrious preparation, planning and honouring their Marist goal- setting exercise at the start of the year. Through their Marist compass, goal-setting and the many conversations that followed, including the agility to be agile or re-shape a goal on the run, set these students up for success. Goal-setting, small and large, enables real purpose, focuses on steady daily /weekly improvement, and builds a sense of regular achievement which supports positive wellbeing.
Accepted within this tenacious approach, each student accepted that no-one will see the thousands of hidden hours devoted to study, practice essays, and revision. The courageous ‘hero’ within this commitment eventually emerged to produce such satisfying results.
At our Assembly, we were very fortunate to have two of the Marist sisters, Sr Gail Reneker and Sr Mary Farrelly as well as ex-student Sophie Woodbury. Sophie represented the Class of 2015 and since leaving MSCW attended UNSW where she completed a double degree in Actuarial Studies and Science (Chemistry), graduating in 2019. Sophie now works as a Manager at Ernst & Young in their Actuarial Services consultancy practice. Ernst & Young, is a multinational legal and professional services firm, one of the largest in the world. Sophie is also a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, and currently focuses predominantly on life insurance and superannuation. Sophie inspired the girls by sharing her experiences since leaving MSCW, clearly making an impact at the Assembly. She spoke of the importance of building connections, especially among her MSCW friends, having career mentors and trusting their advice, setting annual goals for achievement and living the College motto “Goodness Above All”. She also highlighted the joys she has gained by reaching out more globally to help those less fortunate. Remembering her school days at MSCW, Sophie shared stories of her daily involvement, taking as many opportunities available to her and the significant impact this has had on her today. She commented on her engagement in mathematics and science competitions, involvement in STEM activities, seasonal sports, as well as the fulfilment gained from her Cambodia Immersion and Vinnies Night Patrol.
Gabriella Michalopoulos, College Dux, (ATAR 99.25) spoke of her own personal journey giving practical strategies that students could adopt. It was Gabby’s persistence, hard work and positive rapport with her teachers, coupled with her leadership and involvement in public speaking and debating which contributed to her significant success.
Congratulations to our Class of 2023!
Dr Anne Ireland, Principal