From the Acting Assistant Principal
Year 7 Welcome Night
On Friday, 16 February, the College welcomed Year 7 parents, carers and their daughters to a social welcome night. Parents and carers joined College staff on Cerdon Plaza for pizza and dessert, while Year 7 students engaged in activities with their Year 10 Amica (Peer Support) leaders. You can see in the collage of images below that our Year 7 students have been able to make new friendships in their Houses and class groups quickly.
Special thanks also go to the Year 11 VET Hospitality students for their food service under Mrs Erin Healey’s guidance and to our Year 12 Parent Helpers, who hosted the evening!
It was a lovely evening for all those who attended!
Collection of Data Notices
Parents and carers are advised of the following notices for:
- Department of Education: 2024 Student Residential Address and Other Information; and
- the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD).
Please contact the College for any queries or concerns about these notices.