Year 8 Visual Arts

Year 8 Visual Arts

During the time away from school, Year 8 have been given a task to make an artwork consisting of eight A5 panels. Each panel expresses the everyday objects around the home, celebrating them in the style of Pop Art. They began by doing some thumbnail sketches things and then producing a small picture. We designed this task to suit students without much in the way of art materials at home. Since we have been back at school there has been a hive of industrious activity, producing lots of snappy Pop Art pictures. There is a gold mine of artistic talent in Year 8 and the students enjoy being so creative.

Some of the subject matter examples includes:- flags, logo’s, household and electrical appliances, cleaning products and ‘healthy selfies’. There is plenty of parody, social commentary and observations contained in these works that are largely about consumerism and mass-culture.

Carolyn Mattick
Head Teacher Creative and Performing Arts
Drama Teacher