From the Religious Education Coordinator

From the Religious Education Coordinator

St Paul wrote in his letter to the early Church in Ephesus:

that to know the love of God is better than all knowledge. God’s love is greater than our understanding. But we know that we are loved and God has more love for us to experience.

During this ‘ordinary time of the liturgical year’, may we continue to be open to experience God’s love in our lives.

St Therese Denistone Stage 3 Retreat









Madeline and Rebecca of Year 11 helped facilitate and present the St Therese Denistone Stage 3 Retreat, which was on the theme, “The Love of God Impels Us…” 

The following are excerpts from an email from Mr Justin Salar, REC at St Therese Denistone, following the retreat:

“I would just like to highly commend your Marist secondary students for how they conducted themselves yesterday. Madeline and Rebecca from Marist Sisters’ Woolwich, really showcased ‘Witness’, articulated themselves and represented your College. The St Therese Denistone Stage Three students highly benefited from your secondary students’ presence.”

Year 9 Reflection Day

The theme of the Year 9 Reflection Day was Women of Fire! Women of Courage!

Students participated in activities on women in our Marist story. Special guest presenters were Mr Chris Nolan of Caritas Australia and Sr Noelene Simmons, Marist Sister and a member of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans). Thank you to the staff who supported the day: Mrs Criss, Ms White, Ms Pender, Mr Hodges, Ms D’Netto, Ms Vu and Ms Poli.

Year 10 Reflection Day

The theme of the Year 10 Reflection Day was “Who will speak if you don’t? The students were challenged to be women of action by Sr Noelene Simmons, Marist Sister and a member of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) and Mr Chris Nolan of Caritas Australia. Thank you to the staff who supported the day: Mr Allen, Ms White, Ms Pender, Mrs Watson, Ms D’Netto, Mrs Colreavy and Ms Poli.

Year 7 Mass

Thank you to Fr Kevin Bates for the celebration of the Mass with Year 7. It was a wonderful opportunity to be able to celebrate as a Year group.

Miss Mary Kleist, Religious Education Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2