Poetry 6 Taylor

This term, Year 6 has been studying poetry. Students have enjoyed exploring and creating different types of poems such as cinquain, haiku, limerick and magnetic.

Charlotte’s poetry reflection: ‘This term in English we were focusing on writing different types of poems. Something I enjoyed about this was having a challenge. Writing poems was hard as we had to follow rhyme schemes and syllables. Even though I found this hard I was still able to complete the tasks and I also had a lot of fun doing it.’

Poetry examples:

Blanket Cinquain Poem

Warm, safe
Tightening, snuggling, relaxing
All tucked up now


Man from LA Limerick

There once was a man from LA
Who ate the whole buffet
He grabbed the fork 
And stabbed the pork
Then ate the humongous cafe 


Girl with Shells Limerick

There once was a girl with shells
Who would sell it outside hotels
If you wouldn’t buy
She would let out a cry
You have fallen under her spell


Spring Haiku

Fun games in the sun
Blooming flowers wonderful and well
Enjoying ripe fruits


Spring Haiku

The sun has come out 
Warming up everywhere now
Time to eat some fruit 


Monique Taylor
Year 6 Teacher