R U OK? 

During Community time, the Gioia House students gathered together with their Colour House and buddies. The students were asked to identify times when they feel overwhelmed and feel like their ‘bucket is full’. We then identified and named the people in our lives who we can trust and talk to. We also spoke about some people who do not seek help, what signs do we need to look out for? The students were able to share some verbal and non-verbal signs such as ‘when your friend withdraws from the group’, ‘they seem sad’, ‘they do not attend their sport training etc’, ‘they seem angry’, ‘they’re quiet’. Students were then taken through the process to check in and ask people if they’re okay. Students were reminded of the importance of listening and encouraging others to talk to their trusted adults. During this session, the students participated in ‘conversation bingo’ identifying different ways we can start conversations with each other. We then completed a wall mural asking students to share how they are going to start an important conversation and ask ‘Are you okay?’

Action Girls Rock and Water Pastoral Program

The focus for our Action Girl Rock and Water program this week was on our breathing. We discussed the breathing and balancing techniques from our last session and the students were asked if they had personally used this technique over the past couple of weeks. Some student responses included: 

‘Yes, I found I focused on my breathing to slow it down before I had to present my speech in front of the class.’

‘I was feeling a bit nervous before my Netball game, so I closed my eyes to focus on my breathing and it worked.’

‘My brother wasn’t listening to me, so I focused on my breathing before I replied to him.’

It has been pleasing to see the students make connections with the Rock and Water sessions and apply them to their everyday life.  The message for this session was:

‘Exhaling brings you back to the balance and makes you feel more confident.’

‘Be Brave’ Resilience Performance

The Gioia House students will be attending a performance ‘Be Brave’ which focuses on developing positive strategies to cope with emotions and adapt to change at school, at home and online. After the performance, the students will participate in follow-up activities as part of our Action Girl Pastoral program. 

Wishing everyone a restful and enjoyable Term 3 holiday break. 

Marisa Maks
Assistant Head of Gioia House