Deputy Principal Operations

We are continuing to work on streamlining our systems and a part of this is utilising features of our existing platforms. I am pleased to announce that families will now be able to pay for excursions and events via the Parent Lounge Events and Payments feature with plans to expand this to paying Students’ Fees for Term 4. Part of the current IT strategy at the College is to minimise the number of logins required for all users and to utilise the capabilities of our existing platforms.

The security of our College network is a high priority. One strategy that the College has put in place to minimise the opportunity of foreign cybercriminals trying to infiltrate our network is through placing a geographical block on our internal programs, which includes Veritas Online and Parent Lounge. This means that if families are travelling overseas and need access to these programs, they will not be available. To remedy this, it is essential that families get in contact with the IT team, and they will be able to remove these blocks for the individual accounts. IT can be contacted at

Santa Sabina is an extremely busy place and as a result we can sometimes overlook events that are happening. There are three ways that families can access the College calendar to check the happenings across the school. The first way is via the Veritas Online calendar, which can be accessed by clicking on the calendar tile on the top menu after logging in to VO. The second is by accessing the calendar tile on the College app. Finally, families can subscribe to the Santa Sabina Google calendar. Instructions on how to subscribe are available on Veritas Online by clicking on College Information and then pressing on the Timetables and Calendars tile.

Traffic in and around Santa Sabina during pick up and drop off continues to be a challenge. The priority remains the safety of our students when entering and exiting the College. To assist us with keeping our students safe it is important for all stakeholders – parents, students, staff, and the wider community – to work together when on the roads near the College. We receive regular feedback from local residents of families blocking driveways when dropping students at school. We please ask that when parking in and around the school we follow the signs. There are also several instances of drivers failing to pay attention near the traffic lights on The Boulevarde putting our students at extreme risk and countless near misses on students crossing roads wearing headphones while walking. As a community, I ask that we respect each other on the roads and be aware that schools are unpredictable places when driving so additional care and attention is required while in these zones. 

John Gilmore
Deputy Principal Operations