Director of Mary Bailey House

Our preschoolers responded to Primary Years librarian Mr Dell’s invitation to support the Aussie Friends of the Poor’s mission to the Philippines by donating empty bottles.

With assistance from their teachers, the children worked together to support the mission. They wrote signs and a message to families about the bottle collection. They eagerly brought in bottles from home and placed them in the MBH recycling boxes. Once per week they counted the bottles, tallied them, and then carried them to the library to give to Mr Dell to turn them into cash through Return and Earn.

Last week, the children counted the last of the bottles and added them to the final tally. Over the course of Term 3, the children had collected 494 bottles. The children were so pleased with their efforts and proudly took them to the library one last time to give to Mr Dell. They then wrote a sign about their achievement for MBH parents and visitors to read.

MBH preschool teachers chose to engage the children in this work as it aligned with their project which is titled, No one is too young to make a difference.

Jackie Baxter
Director of Mary Bailey House