WSU August Meet and Greet
On Thursday 31 August, the Woolwich Student Union Co-Captains Anika Ressas and Grace Galea held a WSU Meet and Greet on the Futuna Terrace during recess.
One of the key mandates of the WSU is to identify and suggest improvements around the College. Anika and Grace decided that the best way to attract as much student feedback and opinions as possible was to have a “Meet and Greet”. While students may hesitate to attend a lunchtime WSU meeting, or may miss the notices about meetings, the Meet and Greet gave Anika and Grace the opportunity to bring the WSU to the students, allow them to chat with as many students as possible, and allow students to chat about issues with their WSU Co-Captains.
Anika and Grace set up an “Ideas” box and students were invited to come and have a chat with them about their ideas, as well as put their ideas in the ideas box for analysis. Following the success of the Meet and Greet, Anika and Grace will be holding more Meet and Greets on La Valla and Cerdon Plaza in the near future.
Pictured below are Anika, Grace and Sienna McCarthy with some of the many students who came to have a chat and share their ideas.