From the Principal
The Archbishop of Sydney Award for Student Excellence:
Congratulations to Katelyn Lopes
The Archbishop of Sydney Awards for Student Excellence, an annual award ceremony involving 50 Catholic secondary schools, was held today 8 September. This prestigious annual award, sponsored by the Archbishop of Sydney, Anthony Fisher OP, recognises the outstanding young women and men in Catholic schools across Sydney. It is an important way of profiling the very positive contribution that young people make to their school and local communities to change and improve the world. It is also an affirmation of the support that families offer their children, and public acclaim for the commitment and dedication of their teachers. It is always such a lovely occasion and students were praised highly and thanked warmly by Archbishop Anthony, sending the message that our church of the future is in good hands. This hope-filled message was reiterated by Executive Director, Tony Farley, in his address to the students. It was very uplifting to see the number of our young people across Sydney who are active in positive ways within their communities.
Our very worthy College recipient for 2023 is Year 12 student, Katelyn Lopes. As an MSCW college community we are very proud of Katelyn. I share with you Katelyn’s citation outlining the wonderful ways she has been active at MSCW and in her parish community.
Katelyn Lopes is a shining example of servant leadership and compassion within the Marist Sisters’ College community. As Social Justice Captain, Katelyn raises awareness of social justice issues through initiatives such as packing for St Vincent de Paul and Project Compassion fundraising. Beyond her school community, Katelyn is an active member of St Anthony’s Marsfield as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Katelyn shares her faith experiences with others through participation in St Therese Denistone Primary School Retreats, with other young adults through her participation in the Deanery Youth Group and Marist Super Connect with secondary schools. Katelyn’s commitment to her faith and community is evidence of the high esteem in which she is held as a young Catholic woman.