Year 7 and 8 HSIE classes had the opportunity to participate in the Australian History Competition in Term 2. During Community Time for each grade, we presented certificates to students who achieved particularly strong results. Students who received a Credit achieved over 70%, and students who received a Distinction achieved over 85%.
We congratulate the following students who performed very well in the competition. From Year 7, students who achieved a Credit are Abigail Poulsen, Ashlee Serra, Charis Chan, Christina Kyriazopoulos, Giselle Lalic, Lara Buharali, Rosie Daley, and Zoe Polevineo. From Year 7, students who achieved a Distinction are Sienna Glavin, Melissa Bridge, Katalina Sterne, Isabella Maniakis, Emma Ward, and Ava Marangon.
From Year 8, students who achieved a Credit are Abbey McLauchlan, Alyanna Tabuso, Angelina Severino, Ava Johnson, Ellie Comerford, Laura Tambasco, Lia Akouri, Lydia Lok, Melissa Lowe, Mia Stephens, and Ruby Brutto. Students who achieved a Distinction are Zara Ash, Tiffany Le, Sophie Murphy, Naydine Seow, Mia Cunningham, Lara Hanna, Katya Nesterova, Ella Grech, Annika Hollings, Ariana Elms, and Analisa Hernandez.
Ms Stephanie Dito, Acting Assistant HSIE Coordiantor