From the College Counsellors


Stress! Tips and tricks to managing stress in the household

Exam time can put the whole household on edge. Parents worry about how well their kids will do, how much or how little they are studying and what impact that will have on their future. On top of this, sleep deprivation for both the student and parents can add to tension within the household.

Thankfully, there are some strategies that the household can implement in this challenging time.

  1. Help them avoid study distractions
    Research shows that during exam periods, students increase their screen time on social media by 30%. Social media can be a study distraction. We recommend setting boundaries around screen time to avoid these distractions.
  1. Ensure they are getting enough sleep
    Sleep is fundamental to performing well at school and especially during exam periods. Support your daughter to establish a sleep routine, to ensure she is not going to bed too late or spending excess time on devices.
  1. Know their exam timetable
    One easy way parents can relieve their child’s stress is to know what exam they have next. By knowing this, you can help them prepare and ensure they get to the exam on time.
  1. Remain calm
    If you stress out, they will stress out. It is important to be the lighthouse for your child and to guide them through this stressful time.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the College Counsellors if you have any concerns or need additional support: or or contact (02) 9816 2041.

Ms Louise Scuderi and Ms Monica Rogenmoser, College Counsellors

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #6 & #8