April General Meeting Cancelled
As has been notified to the school community, the April general meeting has been cancelled. The P&C will continue to support the school where it can and will continue to work on improving our processes and taking actions where necessary and possible.

Kindness and Gratitude
In these challenging times it is worth remembering the importance of caring for each other and showing appreciation and gratitude for the things that we do have. With this in mind, the P&C would like to thank the group of 22 Chinese and Korean Year 9 parents who on March 11th took the initiative of purchasing and donating 198 bottles of hand sanitizer to the school. This helped to protect staff and students alike and was a very thoughtful and kind action. The Department of Education’s restrictions on hand sanitizer in schools have now ended, so schools are able to source and then distribute hand sanitizer in the school community.

Year 7 Welcome Cancelled
Unfortunately we also have to cancel the Year 7 welcome that was organised for Friday April 3rd, 6.30 PM at Petersham Bowling Club. Year 7 parents and carers will receive a more detailed email about this.

Planned P&C Events and Meetings
As the COVID-19 situation unfolds and the year progresses we will provide updates on previously planned events and meetings.

Staying Up to Date
If you would like to be informed about P&C activities, please subscribe to our mailing list at http://eepurl.com/cXWaEX or join our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/fortstreethighschoolpandc/ 
As always our email address is fortstreethighschool@pandcaffiliate.org.au

Take care
Fort Street High School P&C