Adding users

Only users with administrator privileges can manage users.

If you need to access the functions described below but can’t see the menus, ask your administrator to upgrade your account permissions.

To access the user controls, login to your WordPress dashboard and click the Users menu. Here you can click Add New to add a new user account to your site.

There are two forms presented on this page – one to add an Existing User and one to add a New User.  If you have one or more Buzz websites, and the user you want to add already has a login for one of them, then you’ll choose Existing.

Most commonly you’ll want the New User form.

New User

WordPress requires a unique username for your new user. A good starting point is the users’s first and last name with no space in between. For example janesmith or johncitizen.

Information message

Usernames can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.

The system will tell you if the name is already taken. If it is just add alter it or add a number to the end. For example jane-citizen1.

Usernames can not be changed

Use the email address to login

Although WordPress allows users to login with either their email or username, we recommend administrators ask users to use the email address as it’s more likely that people will remember it.

You can also select the level of access that the account has at this point by changing the role. Read about the available roles here.

User action required

The user will receive a confirmation email, which contains a link that must be clicked to complete the process.

Existing User

To add an existing user (one who already has a login to The Buzz) just enter their email address and select the role to determine how much access the user should have. Read about the available roles here.

Users can have different roles on different sites!

You can assign roles differently on different sites. An existing user may be an administrator of one site, and a contributor on another.

User action required

The user will receive a confirmation email, which contains a link that must be clicked to complete the process.

Confirmation Email

Whether you add a new or existing user, the system will send an email to the user with an invitation to join your site. The email will contain a link which they must click in order to become active. If the email does not come through in a few minutes, please ask the user to check their spam and junk folders.

If the user was newly created, the activation page will also generate a password for them and show it on screen. They can change their password later if required.

Updated on July 19, 2018

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