Year 1 Learning Walk

On 20 July, Year 1 invited their parents for their first learning walk of the year. Both students and parents were very excited, as we came together to explore Mathematics and our newly developed pack of fluency tasks. 

During Mathematics, Year 1 participates in 10 minutes of fluency tasks, followed by an explicit Mathematics lesson. These tasks involve procedures and number facts to develop quick recall, allowing students to make connections and build on their maths fluency. By using these packs, students are becoming efficient in using the most suitable method, developing their accuracy and becoming flexible learners, having a tool kit of different methods they can use. 

Throughout the Year 1 learning walk, students were given time to teach their parents a variety of tasks and spend the afternoon demonstrating how they make connections and problem solve. The learning walk gave Year 1 and parents an opportunity to practise and recognise what helps them reach an effortless stage of fluency, where they can apply their knowledge to solve unfamiliar problems. It was a thoroughly engaging afternoon allowing students and parents to share their learning. 

Kelly Garcia and Juliana Hunt
Year 1 Teachers