
During mathematics this week students explored length, perimeter and converting measurements. One of the activities students completed was measuring items around Gioia House using the most appropriate tool and then converting each of the lengths to mm, cm, m and km. 

Student reflections:

In Maths this week we learnt about measuring lengths and converting different measurements. We did a lot of fun activities but my favourite was when we measured different objects around Gioia House. Our task was to partner up with someone in our class and find 10 different objects around Gioia and measure them. We then converted those measurements into either mm, cm, m, and km for an extension. My favourite part about this task was to be with your friends and have the opportunity to be up and going around Gioia House. I hope we get to do something like this again.

Charlotte Ho

I enjoyed taking part in the measuring length maths task and I challenged myself by exploring the different units of measurement.

Ella Rixon
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Monique Taylor
Gioia House Teacher