Year 8 OpenBook Holiday reading program

Learning in the Library

During the recent holidays, Year 8 families were invited to take part in the inaugural OpenBook reading initiative, a buddy reading program for families to promote reading and conversation. We were overwhelmed by the response that saw interested families invited to sign up and choose a book from a robust selection.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the parents and students for their involvement and look forward to those families joining us for afternoon tea later this month, where they can share their experience and make further connections with the College community of readers.

Thank you to Daniella Di Santo for her heartfelt post on LinkedIn which she has kindly allowed us to share.

Susan Lombardo
Head of Library

This winter, although I didn’t get to go on my European Adventure, I did get to spend quality time with my girls. One activity we participated in was the OpenBook initiative, which meant we borrowed the same book from the school library and enjoyed reading it together and then discussing it with a list of discussion points provided to us. My experiences through this journey were: 1. It was great to share something with my daughter. 2. It was great to pick up a book and not look at a screen. 3. It was great reading a book from an Australian author and resonate with the locations described in the book. 4. It was great to discuss issues raised in the book, such as online bullying and hiding the truth with the younger generation; and 5. Most of all I learnt that I forgotten my love of reading.

Daniella Di Santo
College parent