From the Religious Education Coordinator

From the Religious Education Coordinator

This Sunday is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ with the Gospel being Luke’s account of Jesus feeding the five thousand.(9:11-17). Over the years there have been attempts to explain what really happened at this event. Any attempt to explain away the miracle of the loaves and the fishes completely misses the point of the story. Jesus miraculously makes it possible for the Twelve to feed all those present, so much so that there were basketfuls left over. At its core is the miraculous abundance that God provides for all through Jesus. 

Pope Francis said in his reflection on the miracle story that ‘thanks to that small freely-given and therefore heroic gift, Jesus is able to feed everyone. This is a great lesson for us. It tells us that the Lord can do a lot with the little that we put at His disposal.’ He then went on to ask the question ‘What do I bring to Jesus today?’ and continued God ‘can do a lot with one of our prayers, with a gesture of charity for others, even with one of our sufferings handed over to His mercy.’ Let us remember that God is present in our everyday lives.

Winter Sleepout: Thank you

Thank you to Ms Vu and the staff and students who ‘slept out’ in Bon Repos on Friday, 3 June. 

Cardoner Network immersion

Please see information regarding an immersion for Year 12 students.

Miss Mary Kleist, Religious Education Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2