From the Principal

From the Principal

Welcome back to the 2024 school year! A special welcome to our new Year 7 students and their families! I am looking forward to tonight’s Year 7 Welcome Night for an opportunity, in a more relaxed atmosphere, to share pizza and conversation together.

Sadly, we began the year with the passing of our former long-term chaplain Fr Kevin Bates. Fr Kevin was Parish Priest at Holy Name of Mary, Hunters Hill from 2008 – 2021 and during that time was the College Chaplain. Marist Sisters’ College was blessed to have Fr Kevin with us for so many years. His gentle nature always showed much care and compassion to others. His acclaimed gift of music enhanced every liturgy. Staff and students attended the funeral forming a Guard of Honour with students from other nearby schools. He will be sadly missed by all.

Two of our ex-students Danielle Dwyer and Luanna de Stefano, former Youth Coordinators at Holy Name of Mary Parish Hunters Hill, each wrote a letter to Fr Kevin in 2021 when he concluded his time as Parish Priest. It sums up the generous and charismatic man that he was. It was shared in Fr Kevin’s funeral booklet.  Click on the link to read the letter.

The year has begun with much energy and enthusiasm. Our highlights so far are featured below.

New Staff to the College

We have been fortunate to recruit a quality group of new staff. As a community, we welcome the following new members of staff:

Teaching staff

Chanel Basha – Assistant English Coordinator

Aleksandra Bridge – English/HSIE Teacher 

Kataryna Campbell – Inclusive Learning Teacher 

Henry Davey – PDHPE/Science Teacher 

Mara Dusevic – Inclusive Learning Teacher

Chloe Finlayson – HSIE Teacher

Eva Kritikos – Visual Arts/TAS Teacher 

Laura Marshall – PDHPE Teacher

Luisa Navanteri – Jaricot House Coordinator

Jack Newey – Mathematics Teacher

Nicola Savvidis – PDHPE Teacher 

Support Staff

Brooke Vozzo – TAS Assistant 

College Opening Mass

On Tuesday, we celebrated our College Opening Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral in the city. It is a significant celebration which celebrates the formal badging of our Year 7 and Year 11 students. This annual badging ceremony also welcomes Year 7 and acknowledges the beginning of their adventures at MSCW.  For Year 11,  the acceptance of the Senior badge formally confirms their responsibility, as a Marist girl, to search for further inspiration from Mary as their role model and, as seniors, be a positive and active role model for all students. A special part of this ceremony is the pinning of the badges – Year 11 pinning MSCW school badges on Year 7 and in reciprocation, Year 7 pinning badges on Year 11. 


During our Opening Mass we also welcomed our new staff, presenting them with a College candle. In presenting them with a College candle, we pray that they experience the power of the Spirit and the presence of Mary as a member of Marist Sisters’ College. 


Setting students up for success

In 2024, our ‘O Week’ Program continued with workshops to prepare students for the year ahead. You can read about these activities later in this Newsletter. 

As part of ‘O Week’, students also taken the opportunity to set their goals for the year and discuss these with their Tutor teacher and parents on My Marist Compass Goals’ Day. If you were not able to connect with your daughter’s Tutor last week, would you please make contact to arrange another zoom meeting. These meetings are very significant in supporting your daughter’s learning and wellbeing.

Year 7 & 11 Information Nights and Year 7 Welcome Night

We have also conducted Information Nights for Year 7 and 11 over the past two weeks.  Tonight, I warmly welcome our Year 7 parents to the Year 7 Welcome Night. This social event provides the opportunity to share a tasty pizza while also allowing time for parents to meet College staff and meet parents of other girls in their daughter’s Tutor group, House or Year Group.  Year 7 students will have the opportunity to engage in fun games and activities led by our Year 10 Amica students. This very happy event is a must on your calendar!

Family House Mass and Supper

This week, we began our Family House Masses with Chanel and Chavoin. These celebrations of Eucharist bought families together in faith as well as provided an opportunity for families to meet and chat with House Coordinators and Tutors in a much more personal and social way. Research tells us that this model of parent engagement builds stronger relationships and understandings between your daughter’s House, Tutor and family. Therefore, we expect to see every parent attend. 

20 February Colin House Coordinator Mrs Michelle Johns


21 February Jaricot House Coordinator Ms Luisa Navantari



27 February Marcellin House Coordinator Mrs Carolyn Criss


28 February Perroton House Coordinator Mrs Jocelyn Kemp

Venue: College Hall and Cerdon Plaza.

Time 5.30 pm – 8.00 pm

Ash Wednesday begins our Lenten journey to Easter

On Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, the College community joined together in Houses to begin our Lenten journey to Easter. The symbol of placing a cross, with the ashes, on our forehead reminds us that Jesus died for us and our call through Lent is for renewal and to be faithful to the hopes outlined in the Gospel message. Through our Lenten journey, as a College community, we will be supporting the work of Caritas, through Project Compassion. This support is a very tangible way of reaching out to others, a responsibility that our Marist community is called to act on. 

Next Week
  • Monday, College Swimming Carnival. May the best House win!
  • Wednesday, we look forward to celebrating the wonderful HSC achievements of our Class of 2023 at the High Achievers Assembly.  

Welcome again to 2024 and I look forward to a productive and successful year ahead! 

Dr Anne Ireland, Principal
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8