Exciting Changes to Mathematics Classing and Reporting
This year, the NSW Education Standards Authority has refreshed the Years 7 and 9 Mathematics syllabus content and curriculum structure, with Years 8 and 10 to follow next year. After extensive curriculum review and feedback, the new structures have been designed to create more flexibility and opportunity for students to forge pathways to higher levels of achievement in Mathematics.
As such, students and families of Year 9 classes may have noticed that our structures have changed for Mathematics this year. There are no longer the 5.3 / 5.2 / 5.1 levels that pigeonholed and segregated students into ability levels. Now, we are allowing all students to work from the same course scope and sequence of topics and encourage them to take up all opportunities to extend themselves as far as possible into the topics. We have reassured students not to be encouraged nor discouraged by their class number as there will be equity in offering to all students.
In our College, similar changes have begun earlier in the timeline for Year 8 as well, where we would normally begin some ability groupings in Mathematics but have decided against doing so this year.
To accommodate these changes, we have also changed our textbook supplier for Mathematics in Years 7-9 this year. The new platform through EdRolo allows students to access all content from different years and levels with little to no restrictions. The platform not only has the digital textbook with interactive elements to give feedback to the teacher, but also online instructional videos and quizzes to consolidate classroom learning. This will also assist many students in revising earlier concepts or extending themselves into more advanced ones.
We feel that these changes emphasised by the NSW Education Standards Authority are in line with the values held at Marist Sisters’ College Woolwich, and indeed, by the faculty of Mathematics teachers. It is our hope that more students feel success and a desire to participate in more mathematics.
In addition, this will change the way our reporting for Years 7-9 will appear from here onwards. Previously, the common grade scale for achievement (A-E) and Mathematics performance descriptors were based around exposure to and mastery of particular content and knowledge. As such, students could only achieve an A if they have been shown and demonstrated proficiency with specific concepts in Mathematics.
Moving forward, the common grade scale for Mathematics and the performance descriptors have been updated to the new format introduced by the NSW Education Standards Authority, as below. This means students are no longer limited to having to have learned particular concepts but instead are rewarded for demonstrating their skills in ‘working mathematically’ — namely, communication, reasoning and problem-solving. At the highest levels of achievement, students will demonstrate adeptness with non-routine problem-solving, as an example.
We hope these changes bring forth some renewed aspirations and motivations to explore mathematics, as there is a greater chance for success for all students.
In addition, we remind students and families that our Maths Club has begun running again this year with peer and teacher support for any students wanting to consolidate or extend their Mathematics learning. Students who need extra assistance are encouraged to come along any time they wish. Maths Club runs twice a week in Jarnosse – after school on Tuesdays and lunchtimes on Wednesdays.
The Maths Club Google Classroom can be used for announcements, challenges and opportunities using the join code: m7qqyoe
We hope to see more students there each week!
You may read more about the new Mathematics syllabus on the NSW Education Standards Authority website here.