09 Dec 2019

From The Principal – Ms Pussich

In 2018, Mary MacKillop Catholic College underwent a highly successful Inquiry and Review process led by Sydney Catholic Schools. Part of this review process involved evaluating, editing and publishing our mission and vision statements.

Our Vision Statement

To CALL young women to life, INSPIRE a love of learning and EMPOWER them to make a difference in the world.

Our Mission Statement

As a community we:

  • seek to know and love Jesus, live out the Gospel, and be inspired by the example of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
  • value respect as the basis for how we interact with each other in order to nurture trust and belonging
  • strive to know each learner, foster inclusivity and enable personal growth and excellence
  • engage in learning that is creative, collaborative and reflective
  • make learning engaging, inspiring and empowering  
  • believe authentic learning is lifelong and transformative
Our Values

As a community we value compassion, courage, excellence, hope, justice, love, respect and service.


Donation from the Sisters of Saint Joseph

We are extremely grateful to Sr Mary Ellen O’Donoghue rsj (Regional Leader), on behalf of the Sisters of Saint Joseph (NSW), for providing a significant donation to our music department. These funds were made possible through a bequest made to the Congregation in honour of a former music teacher, Sr Delphine Scullin. The funds were left for the promotion of music education by the Sisters.

We plan to use these funds to create a mini recording studio near the music rooms, improve the mixing equipment in the hall and purchase resources for our HSC music classes.



Congratulations to Dalin Shamonka Telskuf of Year 12 for her Visual Arts Body of Work, “Altarpiece”, being nominated for ARTEXPRESS. From 8552 students who submitted Bodies of Works for the 2019 HSC Visual Arts Examination, only 438 students were nominated for ARTEXPRESS. We are proud of the achievement of Dalin and thank her Visual Arts teachers.


White Ribbon Day

On Friday 22 November, Amarrah Muker with members of her family marked White Ribbon Day through their involvement in the Multicultural Festival Day at Cabramatta. It is wonderful to see our students active in the community standing against domestic violence. Well done Amarrah!


Be a High School Student for a Day

This term we invited students from our six feeder primary Catholic schools to join us for our annual Be a High School Student for a Day. It was great to see Year 4 and 5 students from St Gertrude’s Smithfield, Our Lady of the Rosary, Fairfield, Sacred Heart Cabramatta and Sacred Heart Villawood enjoy a day of learning at Mary MacKillop Catholic College. Year 4 students attended on 25 November, experiencing a day focusing on CAPA – Creative and Performing Arts and Year 5 students attended on 18 November experiencing a day focusing on STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Science.

Thank you to the primary school staff who accompanied their students, Mrs Lowe and Miss O’Regan who led the days and our dedicated teachers who ran the workshops.


Year 7 2020 Orientation

Year 7 2020 students have spent two days at Mary MacKillop Catholic College, 23 September and 27 November, as part of the new student orientation program. The days were spent getting to know their peers and the school as well as undertaking some valuable testing. Thank you to the primary school staff who accompanied their students, Mrs Lowe, Mrs Boustani and Mr Hennessy who led the days and our teachers who ran the activities. The orientation also included an Information Evening on 20 November to equip parents to assist their daughters with the transition into high school.


Year 12 Formal

On Friday 22 November, Year 12 students celebrated their official end of schooling with their Formal at Oatlands House. The girls continued to be a credit to the College and their families in the respectful way that they conducted themselves. It was a great night. I thank the thirty plus teachers who joined them for the evening. We look forward to catching up with all our Year 12 students for a special lunch in their honour on Wednesday 18 December.


End of Year

Students are expected to attend school up to their official end date, 13 December 2019. We will celebrate the end of the year with a special Christmas Mass and Assembly on Thursday 12 December (students must wear full summer uniform) and a Christmas Fair with carnival rides and food stalls on Friday 13 December (students may wear appropriate mufti). Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews are scheduled for Monday 16 December. Reports should be available via Compass shortly.