Uniform Shop
Thank you to everyone who completed our uniform shop survey in April. 60 of 61 respondents answered yes to the question “Do you think parents and carers should have the option to purchase the school uniform online?”
As notified this week, all uniform items can now be ordered online at www.quickcliq.com.au and we will continue to deliver to students in class.  Making the uniform shop available online has been a necessary step to allow the P&C to continue to safely provide the uniform shop service to the school and remain within department of education guidelines.

We would like to thank our uniform shop manager Gladys Ko for helping the P&C with this transition and for all the work she has done in particular over the past month in continuing to provide the uniform shop service to the school community in these challenging circumstances.
We are doing our best to keep the Uniform page on the school website current https://www.fortstreet.nsw.edu.au/enrolment/uniform-shop/ so please check there for changes to the service.

Planned P&C Events and Meetings
The P&C Federation have provided an update on the situation with P&C virtual meetings and this can be viewed here:

We will provide further information as the term progresses, but we are hopeful that we will be able to convene a meeting of some composition before the end of term two.

Staying Up to Date
If you would like to be informed about P&C activities or would like to know how you can get involved, please subscribe to our mailing list at http://eepurl.com/cXWaEX or join our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/fortstreethighschoolpandc/ As always our email address is fortstreethighschool@pandcaffiliate.org.au

Take care
Fort Street High School P&C