STEM in 6 Milicic

This term in STEM, Year 6 is learning to code a video game using Scratch for a STEM video game challenge. This game can be either a clicker, pong or chase game and we are working collaboratively in the grade. The theme relates to stars, so we are exploring how to incorporate this into our games. We are learning to use different coding blocks and are assisted by tutorials to help us create our game along the way. We were all assigned roles for the challenge so that we could make the process of creating the game faster and more efficient. In this activity, we were instructed to use the engineering design thinking process which uses the core stages of empathise, define, ideate, prototype and test to organise our thinking. We are aiming to be successful in creating our game by adhering to the guidelines. This task helps us to learn to collaborate with others, communicate our ideas and express ourselves creatively.

Michelle Ho and Jorja Mathews
Year 6