Gioia House Pastoral

Gioia House Action Girls

It has been wonderful to see the Gioia House students work towards being Action Girls through their words and actions each day. The students have been working on our Gioia House weekly focus, Compassion, identifying ways we be compassionate people at school, and home and how we can help people who are less fortunate than ourselves.

Congratulations to the following Action Girls who received their Award and Action Girl badge at our 5-12 Assembly this week:

Year 5:

Sienna Calvez
Zara Hraiki
Liz Ong
Chloe Perkins

Year 6:

Ines Bolger
Isabel Boustani
Georgia Ghossein
Elizabeth Saade

Gioia House Project Compassion Fundraising

As part of our Service Learning, the Gioia House students watched Caritas Australia videos which identified where Caritas funds are helping people in communities around the world who are less fortunate than ourselves. We discussed how fortunate we are to have clean accessible water and education that is available to everyone. The Gioia House students will lead a couple of fundraisers to raise as much money for a very worthy cause.

Last week, Gioia House students generously donated some delicious baked treats and lolly bags for our Project Compassion fundraiser. Thank you to the Year 6 students who volunteered to help sell the treats at recess and lunchtime. We also thank the Year 12 leaders who led the bake sale and helped it run efficiently. Many students gave generously and worked together to create a successful fundraiser for a much-needed cause.

The Gioia House students have also been asked to donate some Easter eggs or Easter novelty items (bowls, craft etc.) to help us make up Easter hampers. The students will be selling Easter raffle tickets for $1 each or six for $5. We will also have an Egg Guessing Jar competition, $1 per guess. Thank you in advance for supporting our Caritas Project Compassion fundraising initiatives.

Marisa Maks
Assistant Head of Gioia House