Kindergarten Dancing on Dom’s Plot

On Friday 1 March, students from Kindergarten to Year 4 gathered with staff and parents in the Santa Sabina Chapel, to celebrate the commissioning of the incoming Student Leaders of the Primary Campus.

Following this special event, the Kindergarten students were invited to dance on St Dominic’s Plot. This is a long-standing tradition at Santa Sabina, originating many years ago, when the Year 12 girls were permitted to celebrate the culmination of their schooling by ‘dancing on Dom’s Plot’. 

In more recent years, this honour was extended to both the Year 4 boys at the end of their Primary Years, and to the Kindergarten students at the beginning of theirs, thus providing all students with two opportunities to participate in this special tradition, during their education at Santa Sabina. 

The Kindergarten students made the most of their first experience, by dancing joyfully to ‘This Little Light of Mine’, a song they have been learning in Religious Education. 

The students definitely let their ‘little lights shine’, and their faces reflected such excitement as they danced and sang. Ms Skerman and Ms Azizian had as much fun as the children and did a wonderful job in keeping up with the actions to the song! 

The Kindergarten students look forward to their next opportunity to dance on Dom’s Plot in Year 4 or Year 12.

Rebecca Saba, Vicki Spillane and Anna Donato
Kindergarten Teachers