Philosophical Thinking in 6DM

The girls in 6DM have been busy creating analogies for the emotion of disappointment. In groups, they were provided with a variety of analogies that they needed to explain and justify. Here are a few examples:

How is disappointment like a BBQ?

  • Most of the time you can control the heat, like you can sometimes control your emotions.
  • You can close the lid to hide your disappointment, but it will keep building up. Or you can open it and address the emotion.

How is disappointment like a new game?

  • The more you learn about the game, the more you know how to deal with the challenges ahead, just like disappointment.
  • As the levels increase in difficulty, the harder it is to deal with your emotions.

Hope is disappointment like chewing gum?

  • Chewing gum has different flavours, just as disappointment can have different feelings and levels.
  • Chewing gum can stick to you, just like disappointment. However, it can be removed.

How is disappointment like snow?

  • You can choose what you want to make of it.
  • It can drop challenges on you, but you have to push through.

How is disappointment like a car?

  • As the car accelerates, the fumes are pushed out, just like disappointment being released.
  • The car can drive at different speeds, just like disappointment levels.

How is disappointment like a cupboard?

  • Both a cupboard and disappointment can be dark on the inside. However, when you open the door and let the light in, things can become a lot clearer.
  • When you keep filling your cupboard with items, it is like adding more to your disappointment levels.

Eamonn Dunphy and Marisa Maks
Year 6 Teachers