National Youth Science Forum

The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) offers an extraordinary eight-night program with two sessions in Brisbane and Canberra for Year 12 students eager to dive into the realms of STEM. Gathering over 500 students nationwide, NYSF provides engaging lectures, site visits, team-building activities, and many more fun activities. All students are put into constellation groups based on their interests in subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, and robotics, which fosters enduring connections with like-minded peers. 

For us, a highlight of NYSF was Career Day which offered students a direct link to real professionals in a variety of STEM fields. This exclusive opportunity allowed for insightful discussions, the chance to pose questions, and the potential to find mentors who can shape future career paths. NYSF also introduced us to new facets of STEM that we were previously unaware of. This program extended beyond the science we learn in the classroom, sparking curiosity and motivating all of us to explore fields beyond our immediate interests. We are so glad we were able to seize this incredible opportunity – the memories and connections we got to make are unforgettable!

If you are interested in applying for next year it typically opens around May for current Year 11 students. Teacher references are a requirement and getting support from Rotary sponsors is encouraged.

Happy Scienceing 🙂

Hilary Chan and Genevieve Bitar