International Women’s Day event

From the Ex-Students’ Association

The Ex-Students’ Association, the P & F Association and the College are thrilled to extend a warm invitation to all members of our school community, past and present, to join us in celebrating International Women’s Day 2024.

To be held on the evening of Thursday 7 March in our beautiful College grounds – the perfect setting for Santa Sabina’s 130th anniversary and an opportunity to come together as a community.

This year’s panel will discuss the UN Australia theme of Count Her In; Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress. We have an engaging and diverse panel of speakers to discuss this topic, and here is a sneak peak of just a few of our esteemed line-up:

Channelle Jacob (Class of 1989)
– a Human Resources Executive, with a challenging and successful international career in banking

Lani Nioplias (Class of 1993)
– a working mother who has overcome challenges to re-invent herself and thrive 

Bridget Sakr (College community)
– a business leader with more than 20 years’ financial services experience

Adrielle Touma (Class of 2014)
– an Investment Manager with experience in Venture Capital and qualifications in Actuarial Studies

The panel will be hosted by Marie Myssy AO (former SBS journalist and executive producer) and a former College mother and current grandmother.

The panel discussion will be held in the Aquinas Centre. It will be followed by an exquisite supper and drinks on the Grotto lawn.

This is a great opportunity to return to the College in its 130th Anniversary year and connect with our community. Whether you’re a student, parent, ex-student, or friend of the College, your presence is invaluable. Please join us.

WHEN: Thursday 7 March AT 6:00pm
WHERE: The Aquinas Centre – Lecture Theatre
Followed by supper and drinks on the Grotto lawn

Adults:              $55
Students:          $35
(Student tickets have been generously subsidised by the P&F Association).