
Confirmation is the means by which the Holy Spirit is poured out upon the baptised candidate, just as the Holy Spirit was given to the apostles at Pentecost….The Holy Spirit draws the candidate closer to Christ. The Holy Spirit also strengthens the person to live as a witness of Christ.

Springer, 2011 p40

In the Sydney Archdiocese, the sacrament of Confirmation is conferred upon a child in Year 6. The candidate should be turning 11 years of age or older in the year in which they are to be Confirmed. Each candidate nominates a sponsor who is a Confirmed and practising Catholic over the age of 16 years. The role of the sponsor is to provide spiritual guidance and support to the candidate and present the candidate to the Bishop for anointing on the day of Confirmation. Each candidate must choose a Catholic Saints name for their Confirmation name. The chosen saint should be someone the candidate admires for their deeds or qualities.

Confirmation 2024 at St Martha’s Strathfield

To participate, prepare and receive this sacrament… please contact St Martha’s Parish for an enrolment form. Hardcopies can be found in the foyer of our Church. This sacrament will be for those candidates in Year 6 or over and have received the sacrament of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

The Enrolment Fee for Confirmation 2024 is $50.

(This Fee covers the cost of workbooks and resources.)


for children in Year 6 or older

Parent information Session: 6:00pm Monday 6 May 2024
1st lesson: 3:30pm Saturday 11 May
2nd lesson: 3:30pm Saturday 18 May
3rd lesson: 3:30pm Saturday 25 May
4th lesson: 3:30pm Saturday 1 June


Sacrament date: 6:00pm Friday 21 June 2024

Confirmation 2024 at St Joseph’s Enfield

The Parish of St Joseph’s Enfield would like to welcome all children who have not completed the Sacrament of Confirmation to attend this program here at St Joseph’s Enfield. For more information see the information below or contact Fr Kim Ha in the Parish office on 9747 4884.

Enrolment Day
Wednesday 3 April at 3:30pm – 4:30pm in the Parish Meeting Room

Wednesday 10 April at 4:00pm in the Parish Meeting Room
Wednesday 1 May at 4:00pm in the Parish Meeting Room
Wednesday 8 May at 4:00pm in the Parish Meeting Room

Wednesday 22 May at 4:00pm in the Church           

SACRAMENT DATE: Sunday 26 May 2024 at 1:00pm in the Church

At St Joseph’s Catholic Church, 126 Liverpool Road Enfield

Tina Nicotina
Religious Education Coordinator P- 6