Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Welcome back to another fantastic term full of adventure and new possibilities for SCEGGS Art students.

This week’s banner is from HSC Art student, Lucia Chapple. Lucia is currently exploring domestic architecture of a personal nature in an extensive Body of Work in both Drawing and Painting.

Year 8 Excursion to La Perouse

We look forward to hearing about the Year 8 excursion to La Perouse in next week’s edition of Behind the Green Gate and imagine they are truly enjoying the beautiful coastal environs with their local guides today, learning about connection to Country, some weaving techniques and expanding their understanding of Aboriginal Culture and Art.


Drawing Festival at NAS

Explore your love for drawing and learn new skills over a weekend at the National Art School (NAS) – there’s something here for every level of ability, with a series of hands on, fun and informative workshops led by artist educators.  

Presented as part of the NAS Festival of Drawing 2021. Please click on the link for further information.

Heidi Jackson
Head of Visual Arts