From Ms Allum

From Ms Allum

Welcome to Term 2 everyone!

I hope you all had a chance to enjoy some time for yourselves over the Easter break. While Term 2 is one of the shortest terms of the year, it is by no means short on activities and happenings! There are a couple of coming events I wanted to highlight in particular:

SPAN Event – Navigating the Mid-career Transition

SPAN is delighted to bring you our Term 2 event, Navigating the Mid-career Transition, with current parent Kellie Hush on 20 May. Kellie is considered one of the most influential people in the Australian fashion industry today and has used her experience in the media to transition her career from an editor to launch a retail business and a marketing consultancy. Kellie was also a driving force behind the 2020 We Wear Australian campaign. It is set to be an interesting evening as Kellie shares her insights and tips on how to diversify your career.


National Reconciliation Week

We will acknowledge and celebrate Reconciliation Week as a school community in the week beginning 24 May. Teachers will share further information with their classes in due course. I am looking forward to some whole school activities too.


Light Her Path Campaign

As I foreshadowed in assembly last term and published in Light Works (which families received during the holidays), the School is about to embark on a campaign to help raise funds for the redevelopment of Wilkinson House. I am so excited about how this space will be enhanced to facilitate 21st century teaching and learning and look forward to sharing design plans with you later this term.


There will also be the regular gamut of excursions, incursions, exams, assessments, camps, retreats, sport competitions and carnivals offering rich learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom!

My best wishes to you all for a great Term 2!

Jenny Allum
Head of School