Traffic in St Peters Street

Traffic in St Peters Street

Pedestrian Safety in St Peter’s Street!

Please help us keep everyone safe in St Peter’s Street, particularly around the pedestrian crossing, by remembering the following rules:

  • Pedestrian Crossings: You must not stop or park on a pedestrian crossing, or within 20m before and 10m after a pedestrian crossing.
  • ‘No stopping’ signs: mean you must not stop at any point on the road or kerb. This includes the entire left-hand side of the street.
  • ‘No Parking’ signs: There is a small “No Parking” section on the right-hand side of the road AFTER the pedestrian crossing. The “no parking” sign indicates that you can stop for less than 2 minutes if you stay within 3m of your vehicle if you are dropping off/picking up passengers or unloading items.
Do NOT stop or park:
  • before the pedestrian crossing
  • on the pedestrian crossing
  • after the crossing on the left hand side of the road



Please help us keep everyone safe in St Peter’s Street by following these important safety signs.

Adrian Craig
Business Manager