From the Religious Education Coordinator
Ash Wednesday and the Beginning of Lent – 2 March
Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent and marking our journey towards Holy Week and the celebration of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus.
During Lent, Catholics are called to practise penance by performing any one of the following:
Prayer – for example Mass attendance, personal prayer, communal prayer, a visit to a Church or a Chapel, reading the Bible, praying the Stations of the Cross or praying the Rosary.
Self denial – for example not eating meat, not eating sweets or dessert, giving up entertainment to spend time with family, limiting food and drink so as to give to the poor of one’s own country.
Helping others – for example special attention to someone who is poor, sick, elderly, lonely or overburdened.
What will your Lenten journey involve?
A reminder that in support of our Sisters who traditionally abstain from meat on Fridays in Lent, no meat products will be sold at the College canteen on these days.
Ash Wednesday Prayer Services 2022
The College will hold Ash Wednesday Prayer Services where we will acknowledge the beginning of the season of Lent. It will also be the launch of Project Compassion 2022. Project Compassion brings thousands of Australians together in solidarity with the world’s poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.
Throughout Lent, all members of the College community are invited to contribute to Project Compassion using the Flexischools link referred to in Ms White’s article (found in this newsletter) on Caritas Project Compassion.
Year 12 Retreat 2022
In Week 4, Year 12 students attended the Retreat at Le Rosey Mittagong in their Houses.
The theme, Rejoice and Be Glad from the Gospel of Matthew 5:12 challenged the girls to seize the opportunity to celebrate life.
Thank you to Ms Jenny Vu for her support in the preparation for the Retreat and leading Retreat 2. Thank you to the teachers who facilitated, led and supervised on the Retreats: Dr Ireland, who attended both Retreats, Ms Clarke, Mrs Criss, Mr D’Archy, Ms George, Mr Allen, Ms Mathews, Ms Hopkins, Mrs Del Moro, Ms Vu, Mr Iskander, Ms Bowland, Ms Shippen and Ms Pulumbarit. Their professional and personal commitment to the Retreat ensured the experience provided opportunities for students to grow in their faith.
Thank you to Fr Brian Wlison and Fr Aliki Langi who joined the Retreats and provided the opportunity for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. These were very special opportunities for the students.
The feedback from students was overwhelmingly positive.
Below are some responses from students to the question: Over the days of the Retreat I learnt/became aware of…
- My ability to talk to people even when I am nervous.
- The many layers of myself and others.
- The importance of journaling and time for self-reflection.
- To acknowledge my values.
- How I should treat others.
- To just sit and to be present in the moment.
- That I have many significant people in my life that I can rely on.
- The importance of taking time for myself, and maintaining my relationship with God.
- The importance of gratitude.
Miss Mary Kleist, Religious Education Coordinator
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2