From the Principal

From the Principal

Welcome to new staff

This week, we welcomed Mr James Montagna, our new Maintenance Team member. James knows the value of maintaining and continually developing our spectacular Woolwich site. 

2023 Campus Experience! Showcasing MSCW!

The enthusiasm and excitement to be part of our “Campus Experience” was very evident as soon as we opened

the gates at 4.30pm on Wednesday. The sounds of our String Ensemble welcomed prospective families to the College Hall where I had the opportunity to share all the wonderful opportunities available at our outstanding College.  It was the beginning of what I described in my address to parents as “A LIVELY and WELCOMING EMBRACE” by MSCW. Our 2023 School Captains, Ava Gibson and Madison Turri, shared their personal experiences of life and learning which makes MSCW a great place in which to thrive. They were followed by Year 8 students, Sophie Murphy and Angelina Severino, who shared from a junior perspective, their tips and highlights in joining our vibrant MSCW Community.

Our Choir rounded off the information session before a team of student volunteers led College tours which included displays, performances and demonstrations. Throughout the evening it was very evident that our confident young women have great affection for their school and were very proud to show visitors how effectively they engage in their learning. 

I wish to thank all the students who gave of their time, enthusiasm and energy to the Campus Experience event. I also particularly thank the College staff for their generosity, hard work and dedication towards its preparation. Further thanks are extended to our mighty Year 8 Parent helpers, who ran the BBQ and catering so successfully. They were exceptional. The delicious smell of the BBQ wafting across the new verdant plaza added to the delightful experience of the evening.



A special “THANKYOU” is extended to Mrs Melinda Alvarez, Assistant Principal, who coordinated the event, assisted by Mr Andrew Hallman, Business Manager, Mr Sam Burridge & Mr James Montagna, Maintenance Staff, and our gardener Mr Anthony Gauchi for their excellent planning in readiness for the ‘Campus Experience’ evening. The professional and competent staff who choose to work at MSCW are a blessing to our community. 

House Masses & Supper. A new successful event for all Parents

House spirit has clearly been alive over the last 2 weeks with our House Families celebrating Eucharist and building relationships. This new initiative has allowed House Coordinators the opportunity to share the significant message and mottos of their House Founders (Chavoin, Marcellin, Chanel, Colin, Perroton, & Jaricot). It has also allowed students to introduce their parents to other families from within their Tutor group and House. These connections are life long and provide an essential sense of belonging to our Marist community for all families.

We have our last two House Masses this coming week. Jaricot on Monday, 13 March followed by Marcellin on Thursday 14 March. I look forward to seeing those House families at these significant events.

Public Speaking

Congratulations to the following students who are competing in the Public Speaking Competition that began last Friday. It is great to see this involvement in the extra-curricular life of the College. 

The teams are: 

Year 7
Ava Marangon
Alanah O’Donovan
Year 8

Sophie Murphy

Angelina Severino

Year 9

Jacinta Da Silva

Alissa Tosh

Year 10 – (Year 9 Students competing in the Year 10 Division)

Harriet O’Connor

Leia Gonzales


Natalie Broom (Year 12)

Claudia Walker (Year 12)

Monet Lobina (Year 11)

Sienna McCarthy (Year 11)

An update of results is provided by Mr Angus Bray, Debating Coordinator, later in the Newsletter. Good luck for the girls competing tonight!

Goodbye dull grey Concrete – Welcome refreshing new Verdant Grass! 

Continual upgrading of facilities:

Last weekend, our main playground, commonly known as “The Flat”, was given a major upgrade with the laying of refreshing hard-wearing synthetic grass. The lush, green appearance brightens the area and provides an inviting recreational area for the girls to sit and play. This upgrade continues to provide a quality environment for our girls to thrive.

International Women’s Day 2023 (8 March)

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for celebrating women’s equality. IWD has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people. As a community of young informed women, we highlighted these areas for equality this week. 

The theme for IWD 2023 is “Embrace Equity” – #EmbraceEquity

It calls on women and men to call out inequality. At MSCW, at our Principal’s Assembly, the Student Leadership Team, led the way by reminding students that, as women, we deserve a world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Celebrating women’s achievements and increasing visibility while calling out inequality is key. Ex-student, Polly Hancock, Class of 2019, addressed the students, incorporating her advice on how to “Embace Equity” while also sharing her insights on her recent trip to our Marist origins at Fourviere, in Lyon, France. Her powerful message called on our girls to be Marist Woman of Action, confident and compassionate, celebrating achievements, calling out discrimination against women and embracing every opportunity available at MSCW to build their skills as Marist women to use now and skills to take them into the future. 

Our Woolwich Student Union (WSU) is holding a ‘Dignity Drive’ collecting sanitary products for women who unfortunately may not have access to these necessities. This is a great way for our girls to be empowered as Marist Women of Action in support of other women.

The image below, was taken at the Assembly today, showing our girls embracing the International Women’s Day stance of “EmbraceEquity” in solidarity and acknowledgement of this significant day.



Dr Anne Ireland, Principal
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8