Flexischools Canteen ordering

Flexischools is our preferred method for purchasing lunch through the Canteen. Flexischools offers the following:

  • Safer and more convenient than cash 
  • Convenient online account top-ups 
  • Online record of transaction history 
  • Faster service for students 

The following link provides all the information to set up a new account or update your existing account.

Link to Flexischools Information

  1. When linking your Compass Card you need to enter the letters and numbers appearing on the front of your card, just above the expiry date (see image below). Do not use the number on the back of the card. If there is an issue using the card at the Canteen, please check you have the correct number.
  2. Make sure the funds on the account have been correctly entered into, either Food/ Canteen or printing credit. You cannot use printing credit for purchasing at the Canteen.
  3. Linking your card to Flexischools or topping up can take up to 24 hours.
  4. Students can check their card is correctly linked and their current balance by visiting the Canteen.
  5. For any other questions, please feel free to contact FlexiSchools on 1300 361 769 or via email  help@flexischools.com.au or the website.