Chavoin House Mass

On 28 February, Chavoin House was able to come together as a community and celebrate what it means to be a Chavoin girl in our Chavoin House Mass. The night was decorated with a celebration of the gifts, girls participating in choir, readings, altar serving, and distribution of the gifts of the Eucharist. Year 7 student, Natalie Pirello, led the house in the joyous hymn ‘Presence of Mary’ by playing the piano as students, families, and staff alike sang along.

It was a beautiful evening allowing Chavoin house and their families to share in faith and friendship, reflective of a quote from our patron Jeanne-Marie Chavoin:

“Always be a bond of union between your Sisters, so that all may have one heart and one soul”.

Jessica Smith, Chavoin Co-Captain
Ms Jocelyn Kemp, Acting Chavoin House Coordinator
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8