06 May 2022

IMC Library – Mrs Devine

Winter Reading Challenge

The start of Term 2 heralds the return of this wonderful MMCC tradition. The Winter Reading Challenge is offered to all core classes in Years 7 -10 and runs for the duration of Terms 2 and 3.

This challenge begins with students identifying their reading goals and conferencing with their class teacher to ensure that their goals are not only challenging but also achievable. Once they begin reading the titles they have selected, students then log these titles into their individual challenge booklets. Students will update these booklets in their scheduled wide reading lessons.

Students who meet or exceed their identified reading goals, work consistently and maintain motivation during the Winter Reading Challenge will be invited to a pizza lunch in the IMC in Term 4.


MMCC students love SORA

SORA is a digital platform which provides free access to ebooks and audiobooks for students in the diocese. This is a valuable resource that allows students to access books that aren’t readily available in the library or to read when they are not able to borrow a physical copy from the library (ie, during the holidays).

The borrowing statistics supplied by Sydney Catholic Schools show that the students at MMCC are amongst the most consistent users of this platform and as a result have placed in the top three highest borrowers amongst 7-12 secondary schools across the diocese for January – March. It is really wonderful to see that our students are taking advantage of this great resource to explore different texts and read in their own time.


Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) was launched last term for all Newman classes in Years 7 – 9.

This year’s challenge will run until 19th August. Students must complete their online reading records by this date in order to have their reading records validated and be eligible for a PRC certificate.

Any students who are in Year 10 and were unable to complete their PRC challenge last year due to the pandemic are able to participate in 2022.

Gold and platinum certificates will be issued in Term 4 to students who successfully complete the challenge.

The new reading list for the 2022 challenge has been updated with 230 new titles.

Visit the booklists page in the PRC website: https://online.det.nsw.edu.au/prc/home.html