08 Sep 2021

From the Principal – Ms Pussich

Loving God, we have been given St Mary of the Cross MacKillop as a model for living the Gospel in changing times.
Hear our prayers and grant us the strength to always work to bring about your will.

Never see a wrong without trying to do something about it.”
We pray that like St. Mary MacKillop, we may act with compassion and justice, especially when others are treated unfairly. 

“May God bless and strengthen us. Confide all to God. See how God carries us through the storms.”
As we face COVID-19, may we stay strong in the midst of such uncertain times.
We pray especially for those who have tested positive to coronavirus, and those who live in hotspots,
including our own community.

Love one another, bear with one another, and let charity guide you in all your life.”
We pray that like St. Mary MacKillop, the community of Mary MacKillop Catholic College may live lives that are guided by love and charity, caring for one another.
We especially pray for our Year 12s who will soon sit their HSC.

“God is so good to us, we should be so grateful and thank him.”
We pray for all the Sisters of St Joseph who have served and continue to serve our school community.
Guide them as they continue the work of St. Mary MacKillop.


Thank you to our students, parents and staff as we continue with remote learning. As challenging as it may be, remote learning allows all of us to remain at home and stay safe from COVID-19. The NSW Premier has informed us that remote learning will continue for the remainder of Term 3 and into Term 4. 

The MMCC teachers are committed to providing the best learning and the staff have been diligently supporting families by calling home to check on each student’s learning and wellbeing but also to check if we can help families in any way. Please do not hesitate to contact the College if we can be of assistance.

Staff at MMCC are committed to getting vaccinated and will all be vaccinated by 8 November as directed by the NSW Government. It is extremely important that we all follow the Public Health Orders to stay home and the NSW Government’s direction that we get tested in unwell and get vaccinated. I encourage you to get vaccinated. The following links may be useful:


Archbishop of Sydney Award for Student Excellence

Congratulations to Jane Awad, the MMCC 2021 recipient of the Archbishop of Sydney Award for Student Excellence. Jane joined other school recipients on 3 September for a Zoom where each student was presented with their award.

Here is Jane’s citation:

Jane is a faith-filled, caring young woman. She is a practising Catholic of St Gertrude’s Parish, Smithfield where she is reader, volunteer and involved in youth group events. Jane assists with a range of parish initiatives and has supported the parish priest by promoting these initiatives with the youth. Jane is the College Captain of Mary MacKillop Catholic College and uses her position to actively encourage the students to be involved in the faith formation and social justice initiatives of the College. It is her commitment to Christian values, as demonstrated through her leadership where she leads with compassion and a deep generosity and commitment to others, where Jane truly gives witness to a life centred on Christ. As a true MacKillop woman, Jane leads more by example than word. She attends morning Mass, Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy weekly and assists the priests and staff by ensuring that the Chapel is set up for these liturgies. Jane is a regular participant in the College’s Courage, Bible Study, Faith QnA, Lenten and Advent programs, and actively involved in Vinnies initiatives. She supports activities which heighten awareness and fundraising for Refugee Week, Project Compassion, St Vincent de Paul and Reconciliation Week. Jane nurtures her spirituality by her involvement in evangelisation events including ACYF and EastFest.


The MMCC staff continue to keep the members of our College Community in their thoughts and prayers. We pray that you stay well, follow the NSW Government guidelines and Public Health Orders, and that we soon emerge back into a safe environment. I hope our students and staff can enjoy a relaxing break.

Gilda Pussich