08 Sep 2021

From the Principal – Ms Pussich

Loving God, we have been given St Mary of the Cross MacKillop as a model for living the Gospel in changing times.
Hear our prayers and grant us the strength to always work to bring about your will.

Never see a wrong without trying to do something about it.”
We pray that like St. Mary MacKillop, we may act with compassion and justice, especially when others are treated unfairly. 

“May God bless and strengthen us. Confide all to God. See how God carries us through the storms.”
As we face COVID-19, may we stay strong in the midst of such uncertain times.
We pray especially for those who have tested positive to coronavirus, and those who live in hotspots,
including our own community.

Love one another, bear with one another, and let charity guide you in all your life.”
We pray that like St. Mary MacKillop, the community of Mary MacKillop Catholic College may live lives that are guided by love and charity, caring for one another.
We especially pray for our Year 12s who will soon sit their HSC.

“God is so good to us, we should be so grateful and thank him.”
We pray for all the Sisters of St Joseph who have served and continue to serve our school community.
Guide them as they continue the work of St. Mary MacKillop.


Thank you to our students, parents and staff as we continue with remote learning. As challenging as it may be, remote learning allows all of us to remain at home and stay safe from COVID-19. The NSW Premier has informed us that remote learning will continue for the remainder of Term 3 and into Term 4. 

The MMCC teachers are committed to providing the best learning and the staff have been diligently supporting families by calling home to check on each student’s learning and wellbeing but also to check if we can help families in any way. Please do not hesitate to contact the College if we can be of assistance.

Staff at MMCC are committed to getting vaccinated and will all be vaccinated by 8 November as directed by the NSW Government. It is extremely important that we all follow the Public Health Orders to stay home and the NSW Government’s direction that we get tested in unwell and get vaccinated. I encourage you to get vaccinated. The following links may be useful:


Archbishop of Sydney Award for Student Excellence

Congratulations to Jane Awad, the MMCC 2021 recipient of the Archbishop of Sydney Award for Student Excellence. Jane joined other school recipients on 3 September for a Zoom where each student was presented with their award.

Here is Jane’s citation:

Jane is a faith-filled, caring young woman. She is a practising Catholic of St Gertrude’s Parish, Smithfield where she is reader, volunteer and involved in youth group events. Jane assists with a range of parish initiatives and has supported the parish priest by promoting these initiatives with the youth. Jane is the College Captain of Mary MacKillop Catholic College and uses her position to actively encourage the students to be involved in the faith formation and social justice initiatives of the College. It is her commitment to Christian values, as demonstrated through her leadership where she leads with compassion and a deep generosity and commitment to others, where Jane truly gives witness to a life centred on Christ. As a true MacKillop woman, Jane leads more by example than word. She attends morning Mass, Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy weekly and assists the priests and staff by ensuring that the Chapel is set up for these liturgies. Jane is a regular participant in the College’s Courage, Bible Study, Faith QnA, Lenten and Advent programs, and actively involved in Vinnies initiatives. She supports activities which heighten awareness and fundraising for Refugee Week, Project Compassion, St Vincent de Paul and Reconciliation Week. Jane nurtures her spirituality by her involvement in evangelisation events including ACYF and EastFest.


The MMCC staff continue to keep the members of our College Community in their thoughts and prayers. We pray that you stay well, follow the NSW Government guidelines and Public Health Orders, and that we soon emerge back into a safe environment. I hope our students and staff can enjoy a relaxing break.

Gilda Pussich

From the Assistant Principal – Mrs Harding

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for working with us throughout remote learning, it is imperative that we continue to work together as a team to ensure that your daughter’s learning continues.

Here are ways in which you can support your daughter’s learning by:

    • Providing a quiet space in an open area
    • Ensuring your daughter is up early, on time for learning and completing her work
    • Monitoring learning and checking Compass
    • Monitoring wellbeing and health
    • Monitoring your emails for any teacher correspondence

If unwell get tested for COVID-19 and send the results to school. Additionally, If your daughter is unwell and unable to participate in classes, contact Mrs Thompson at the College Mrs Thompson at the College by email lauren.thompson001@syd.catholic.edu.au or phone call 97254322

College Expectations for remote learning:

  • Girls are to be ready for lessons by 9am
  • Girls must attend all your classes – six lessons per day and follow their timetable (Routine is important!).
  • Girls are encouraged to have breaks during normal recess and lunch times
  • Classes are via a mix of Zoom, Google Classroom and individual work
  • An attendance roll is taken every lesson
  • Engagement is important and parents will be contacted if your daughter is not engaging in her classes
  • Students regularly check your emails and Compass

I would also like to specifically thank the Support and Teaching staff for their dedication and commitment to your daughters. We are blessed to have such caring staff who are working on lessons to ensure that our girls are engaged in their learning.


School is Open

If a student is attending College, you need to:

  • Contact Mrs Harding or Ms Pussich to let us know that you will be onsite
  • Sign in with the QR code
  • Arrive at school and wait at reception to have your name marked
  • Parents are not permitted to come onsite (only in the car for drop off and pick up)
  • Wear a mask at school when you are entering and exiting the building and when moving around the school

Although we are in remote learning the year is forging ahead with the following happening:

  • Year 12 HSC Trial Assessment Examinations have taken place. our Year 12 are to be commended, they have undertaken these online assessments seriously and with maturity
  • Year 12 Graduation “Save the Date” has been emailed to students. The date was Monday 11 October and the back up date was Monday 15 November, however, with the extension to lockdown and rescheduling of HSC Examinations these dates are likely to change
  • HSC Examinations have been rescheduled to begin on Tuesday 9 November
  • The Year 12 formal date has been changed to December
  • Year 11 end of Prelim Assessment tasks began Thursday 2 September
  • Year 11 Retreat has been rescheduled to 2022
  • Year 10 and 11 Leadership nominations and interviews for 2022 Student Leadership Team have taken place
  • Year 10 subject selection for Stage 6 has been completed and I commend students for their decisions and understanding in choosing their HSC subjects
  • Year 9 camp has been rescheduled to 2022
  • Year 8 have just completed the process of selecting their elective subjects for 2022


End of Term 3

Students will conclude Term 3 on Thursday 16th September. This is the last day of classes. Teachers will undergo professional learning on Friday 17th September. It is a Staff Development Day so there will be no classes. Please contact the College if your daughter requires supervision onsite.


Term 4

School will resume in a remote learning format for Term 4 on Tuesday 5 October.


I hope all families are coping well in lockdown and again thank you for your support of the College.

Kind Regards,

Mrs Christine Harding

From the Leader of Religious Education – Mrs Flanagan

SCS Family & Faith – Events & Activities offered

Sydney Catholic Schools invites students and families to take part in Family and Faith events.

Please take note of dates, times and links to access each event below.


Revive @5 Each Wednesday at 5pm



You are invited to join the Mission and Identity Team, and special guests, each Wednesday for Revive @ 5

This is an opportunity for spiritual nourishment, reflection and renewal.

Zoom Link – https://scscatholic.zoom.us/j/63406954167#success

Previous sessions Link – ​https://reonline.sydcatholicschools.nsw.edu.au/revive5/







Faith, Fun & Celebration – Thursday 9th September from 6:30pm




with John Burland & Cheryl Fernandez

 Zoom Link:  https://scscatholic.zoom.us/j/69174763692








The Catholic Faith Community Links & Resources


Stay connect with the universal Catholic Church through the links and resources below

The Catholic Weekly  https://www.catholicweekly.com.au/


A prayer gathering for Families Experiencing Loss & Trauma

Held Monday evenings via Zoom @ 7.30pm – 8.30pm

Hosted by Bridget Sakr and supported by Grief Care.

For further details please contact Bridget Sakr at Bridget.sakr@gmail.com or team@griefcare.com.au




Word On Fire – Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire



Online videos, homilies, articles, lectures, blogs, podcasts, bible study programs and more for theological and faith

Link – https://www.wordonfire.org/resources/video/






2021 Australian Catholic Men’s Gathering

Brothers, what must we do? The Australian Catholic

Men’s Gathering inspired and encouraged all men with a vision for personal discipleship, service and mission in the family, parish/diocese and the world.

Hosted by Jude Hennessy: Director, Office of Renewal and Evangelisation, and Robert Falzon: Co-Founder of menALIVE

In this Year of St Joseph, the Australian Catholic Men’s Gathering was a free webinar.

The videos can be accessed via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3NTkBg2tpE&list=



Sunday Mass Live Streams

During this time of retreat  let us take time each Sunday to meditate upon what Holy Communion and gather as a family for Mass. Please utilise the links below to access live streamed Masses from our local parishes and parishes within the Archdiocese of Sydney

 St Gertrude’s, Smithfield – Sunday Mass and Weekday Masses, live streamed


Sacred Heart, Cabramatta – Sunday Mass and Weekday Masses, live streamed


Our Lady of the Rosary, Fairfield – Parish Information


Syriac Catholic Church – Parish Live Stream service


St Thomas the Apostle, Bossley Park – Parish Live Stream service


Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney – Sunday Mass and Daily Masses, live streamed https://www.sydneycatholic.org/live-masses/



The Catholic TV Network – Sunday Mass and Daily Masses, live streamed

The Catholic TV Network



From the Leader of Wellbeing – Mrs Lowe

Top Five Tips from the SCS Student Wellbeing Team

 In our College Assembly on August 18 we invited our SCS Student Wellbeing team to take part. Psychologist, Breanna Sada joined us and shared some great tips for keeping ourselves well during remote Learning.


The Top Five Tips are shared below:


Online Safety during Remote Learning

The eSafety Commissioner provides great expert advice on online safety.

They are providing webinars for parents on a range of current and relevant topics including:

  • eSafety’s parent guide to popular apps
  • eSafety’s parent guide to digital technologies and mental health
  • eSafety’s parent guide to online gaming

A link to the eSafety Commissioner website can be found here.


Support Services and Resources during Remote Learning

If you or someone you know needs support, there are numerous agencies available to provide support. Please find contact information for some of these services below:


Tips to manage your Wellbeing during Remote Learning


R U Ok Day?



In support of this important day, our staff have been encouraged to wear yellow and our Year Coordinators have also been promoting this day with our year groups through Year meetings.

Every day is a good day to check in with people around us to see if they really are ok. Young people can be a positive influence on helping others seek help, finding people to talk to who are trained and skilled to help others.

R U OK suggests 4 key steps to helping check if someone is ok:

R U OK are also hosting webinars in R U OK day which are free, Find more details at https://www.ruok.org.au/join-r-u-ok-day

Mrs Lowe, Leader of Wellbeing

From the Leader of Curriculum – Miss Israel

I hope this finds you staying safe in these difficult times. As a community, we are all pulling together for the best Teaching/Learning experiences possible for the students of MMCC. As the weeks of remote learning continue, thank you for all you are doing in supporting the students and staff.

Lessons During Remote Learning

A reminder, that teachers are leaving classwork on Compass and you can see the school work that your daughter is expected to be completing. If there are any issues around technology, internet access etc, please reach out so that we can assist. Everything is electronic at the moment and I am aware that this may create difficulties.


Assessments are a constantly changing entity at the moment with no student returning to Face to Face teaching until at least the 25th October 2021, in a staggered return as outlined by the NSW Government:

  • Year 12 from 25th October
  • Year 11 from 2nd November
  • Years 7 – 10 from 8th November

Leaders of Key Learning  Areas and staff are working at making all tasks viable and achievable for our students.

Years 7, 8 and 9

In Term 4, in-class learning tasks, which are set by individual teachers will contribute towards your daughter’s end of year report. Students are expected to attend and engage in every lesson, six periods a day. Teachers will take an attendance roll each lesson and will communicate attendance issues with parents.

Years 10 and 11

Due to the changing nature of lockdown and remote learning, the dates for tasks and types of tasks are constantly changing. I placed in the last bulletin a step by step guide to accessing these calendars via the Compass portal. Please check on these calendars for any upcoming changes to assessment tasks in Term 4.

A reminder that the illness/misadventure process as outlined in the Assessment Handbooks (listed under favourites on Compass) still applies. If there is a need to inform us of Illness or Misadventure for an assessment task, the online form is located here.

I would like to congratulate Year 12 on the manner in which they approached their alternate Trial assessment tasks. It was a new medium for all of us. These tasks finished on Wednesday 1st September and lessons returned to remote learning on Thursday 2nd September. The time post Trials is always extremely important for the students regarding revision and practice of timed responses using the feedback from teachers to guide them on how to improve their results. All students should be able to improve by the time the examinations begin.

Year 11 students began their alternate tasks as their end of year assessment tasks on 2nd September, and I wish them well as they complete these.


In other news, the NSW Education Minister announced:

  • The 2021 Higher School Certificate (HSC) has been further delayed and will begin on Tuesday 9th November, and results will be available mid January. The adjusted examination timetable will be available early September
  • Students who have not yet met National Minimum Standards in Year 12 will be assessed internally so that staff can judge whether they have met the standards and notify NESA

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out on michelle.israel@syd.catholic.edu.au.

Please stay safe, and stay in communication with us.

Yours sincerely

Miss Michelle Israel
Leader of Curriculum

From the Leader of Teaching and Learning – Ms Genovese


During remote learning, our teachers have continued to develop a range of engaging activities to cater for the diverse learning needs and interests of our students at Mary MacKillop Catholic College. Following are examples from two teachers to demonstrate how they have planned lessons that are purposeful, differentiated as well as engaging. Thank you to Mrs Donnelly and Ms Messina for sharing these strategies with our community.



Year 7 Technology: ‘Happy Weaving’

From Mrs Donnelly:

Year 7 Technology will be commencing their ‘Textiles’ unit where they look at fibre to yarn to fabric. To foster this investigation the students will be engaging in a series of practical mini weaving activities, hence the title of the task “Happy weaving”. For this activity, I have differentiated the task to cater for the diverse learning needs of our students and I have given students choice in how they wish to explore the different fabrics. Students will be using a matrix table showing the technique and they can select the activities to address the content area representing either a basic level, intermediate level and challenge level.

For this task students will:

  1. Open and look at the various weaving projects.
  2. Look at the materials they will need for the different weavings and the materials they have available at home.
  3. Choose 2 different weaving projects to complete.
  4. Upload a photo of their completed work.
  5. Complete a self-evaluation of their project/task.

I can’t wait to see how the students engage with this activity in Week 8. In particular I’m interested in their perception of what worked well, the challenges they faced, how they solved those challenges and what they would do differently in the future.


Happy Weaving

Aim: Weaving is full and useful

What you need to do:

  1. Look at the various weaving projects in the table below
  2. Look at the materials you will need for the different weaving and the materials you have available at home
  3. Choose 2 different weaving projects and complete
  4. Upload a photo of your completed work
  5. Complete an evaluation


Evaluation of my weaving projects


Thanks Mrs Donnelly for sharing this. This will be an exploratory experience for Year 7.


Year 11 Society and Culture: ‘Japanese Culture’

Year 11 Unit: Intercultural Communication

→ Context of study is Japanese Culture

How people in different social, cultural and environmental settings behave, communicate and perceive the world around them.

Lesson Intention: To examine aspects of society and culture that are similar to or different from the student’s own cultural group through the research method of secondary and primary research.

From Ms Messina:

Our Year 11 Society and Culture Class engaged in an online origami class from our Vs Oceania friends.

The students are currently learning about Japanese Culture and experiencing the ART of Origami online. All students found this experience insightful and much fun and patience was had by all. I’d like to thank the Vs Oceania company for this free interactive lesson which the students enjoyed and gained a lot from.

The Whiz-ards of Wakeley

The Archibull Prize Update

Although lockdown has certainly provided some challenges with the completion of the Archibull Prize, we have been lucky enough to continue some of our research by connecting with our Young Farming Champion, Franny Earp through Zoom.

Franny is passionate about food security, global development and female farmer empowerment. She completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Animal and Veterinary Bioscience. Following that she moved to Laos to live and work there for two agricultural development programs working on beef production and animal health. She is now living in Cairns completing her Masters in Global Development and her PhD in female farmer empowerment. She is very excited to work with us in our research of women in agriculture.

On Tuesday 7th September, we participated in our first online forum speaking with Franny as well as Dr Dione Howard, Tayla Field and Dr Danila Marini about Food Security, Food production and STEM and Technology through the perspective of women.

Dione is a District Veterinarian based in Wagga Wagga, NSW. She works with the Riverina Local Land Services. She is also a sixth generation farmer and has inherited her father and grandfather’s enthusiasm for sheep and wool. She completed her Veterinary degree at Charles Sturt University.

Tayla was born and raised in Inner West Sydney. She found her love and excitement for agriculture during her university studies. While she enjoyed all elements of the agricultural sector, she was most excited by agronomy. She is passionate about getting food from paddock to plate.

Danila was raised in the city of Adelaide before realising a passion for agriculture. Danila completed a Bachelor of Animal Science at Adelaide University followed by a PhD at the University of New England.

The forum was a fantastic opportunity to hear from such inspiring women who have forged career paths for themselves in industries which are male-dominated. They shared stories of their journeys, the challenges they have faced and why they love working in agriculture.

We cannot wait to continue working on this project and look forward to showing off our finished project!

Ms Brown, Gifted Education/Newman Coordinator

Year 10 Food Technology

Online Learning: Home Cooking Challenge

Due to online learning extending, Year 10 have not had their usual practical lessons to build on their practical skills.

In this task the students had the opportunity to design, plan and cook recipes at home, based on their skill level, ingredients and available equipment.

Mrs Donnelly, TAS Teacher


Pizza Dough/Flatbread – Cooked by Mary Anoya











Instagrammable Infused Water – Prepared by Nariman Chirenian












Smoothie Bowl – Prepared by Veronica Safi













Sushi – cooked by Shana Toma











Layered Sandwich and Smoothie Bowl – created by Hayley Zappia













Freak Shake – created by Sharntae Waterton   

“Happy Weaving” Mini Weaving Project

Year 7 Technology (7 TEC 3 and 7 TEC 5) are currently learning about how fabrics are made from yarn.

These are some of the results from the mini weaving project they just completed.

Mrs Donnelly, TAS Teacher

IMC Library News from Mrs Devine




CBCA Book Week 2021

Each year, since 1945, the CBCA has brought students and books together across Australia through CBCA Book Week. The IMC Library Team was certainly not about to let lockdown stop this great tradition! So we put on our thinking caps and created a fun, interactive experience that all students could engage with and enjoy online. Through a dedicated MMCC Book Week Google site, students were given the opportunity to explore the wide range of CBCA shortlisted books as well as participate in a range of book related competitions with prizes of Dymock’s Book Vouchers on offer.

It was wonderful to see so many students participating throughout the week and we would like to thank each and every one of you for helping to make our lockdown Book Week a success. We look forward to your continued support of Book Week next year!

We are excited to announce the winners of our Book Week 2021 competitions. Congratulations to the following students who have each won a $25 Dymocks Gift Voucher for their entries:

  • Decode the Emoji Book Titles: Sama D. Year 8
  • Photograph your favourite reading place: Chantel B. Year 8
  • 100 word story competition: Amanda D. Year 7
  • Recreate/Redesign a Book Cover: Jasmine P. Year 8
  • Book Quiz Kahoot!: Vivian N. Year 9


Jasmine P – Recreate a Book Cover                                                            Chantel B – Favourite Reading Spot


“My son, this is what you must fulfil when I move on. You must take on my serious responsibility and lead all the worlds,” said the tearful father, knowing that his son couldn’t understand the deep words. He took his priceless hat and placed it on his toddlers head, while the toddler waddled like a penguin. He pointed to all of the things his son now had control of; the planes, plants, flags, statues and countless more. The people ensured each and every word that the son stumbled on would be remembered, he now has the world in his hands…

Amanda D – 100 word writing competition


Winter Reading Challenge


Study Skills Tips – Mrs Devine

Study Tips from Dr Prue Salter

How To Stay Positive About Your Schoolwork

It can be difficult to stay positive at all times about your schoolwork, particularly if you have challenges whether they be personal or whether you are grappling with something like online learning. When we allow pressure and stress to build we can get into bad habits and let go of good habits. As a result students can feel even more drained and exhausted.

The key to being positive and managing negative emotions such as anxiety and feeling down and depressed in any pressure situation including schoolwork and exams is to “fuel up”. “Fuelling Up” is about boosting wellbeing factors in your life. You need to boost the wellbeing factors in your BODY, MIND and EMOTIONS.


BODY: Here are some things you can do to boost the energy in your BODY

  • Get better sleep

Feeling good all starts with getting the right amount and type of sleep. Start with a good night-time routine. Stop anything that stimulates you such as caffeine or TV or computer, iPad or phone screens etc. Try a warm drink such as chamomile tea and use essential oils such as lavender oil. Having a soothing bath or shower can also help along with gentle stretching of tight or tense muscles. If you still feel you are not getting a “good” sleep be sure to see your doctor.

  • Eat in Moderation

Never skip a meal, especially breakfast. Breakfast replenishes your body and helps you start your day full of energy. Eat three main meals, and two to three snack meals a day. Eating five to six times in a day keeps your blood sugar levels balanced, giving you an overall sense of well-being needed for focusing on your tasks and responsibilities.

  • Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise, at least three times per week for a minimum of 30 minute sessions, can virtually “soak up” stress chemicals in your body and help you to relax and even sleep better. Brisk walking, aerobic classes, swimming, bike riding, or jogging are great exercises to release stress buildup and relax your body and mind to either start or end your day right.


MIND: Here are some things you can do to THINK more positive

  • Change your thinking and perceptions

Write down your top 5 fears and worries. What’s the worst thing that can happen? Then ask yourself, “IS THAT TRUE”? Usually fears and worries are not based on reality but on imagined scenarios that have little to no evidence. If it’s something that can’t be changed bring acceptance to it. It is what it is for now!

  • Change your focus

Have you noticed that what we worry about we make bigger and keep closer to us by the way we think and focus. Try this…make your fears and worries SMALL in size (5 cm in height) DARK in brightness and as far away as possible in DISTANCE. When we change the size, brightness and distance of the things that upset us in our minds it reduces the intensity of the emotion.


EMOTIONS: Here are some things you can do to FEEL more positive

  • Acts of kindness

Make a list of 5 acts of kindness you can do every day. Make them simple acts of kindness that are easy to do such as saying thank you etc. Do these 5 acts of kindness every day for 6 weeks. The research shows that people that do this and think of 3 good things in their life (as above) have a dramatic positive boost in their mood.

  • 3 good things exercise

Every day at the start and end of your day think of 3 good things that happened. Write them down. Then think about either WHY those good things happened or how it MADE YOU FEEL when those good things happened.

  • Start ticking things off your list

Pick something small and achievable to start with that you need to do for school and get it done. You will feel much more positive when you start doing things. Do a few more easy things to get your confidence up then tackle a more challenging task.

You will find lots of resources to support you on the Study Skills Handbook site (www.studyskillshandbook.com.au)

Students and Sleep