26 Nov 2021

Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – Miss Martino

In 2022, Mary MacKillop Catholic College is proud to deliver the “The Duke Of Edinburgh’s, International Award”. This very exciting opportunity has been offered to Year 8 students in 2021 in preparation for 2022.

What is the Duke of Edinburgh Award?

This program is Internationally recognised with more than 130 countries worldwide offering this Award.

This program enables students aged 14-25 to be empowered through physical activity, voluntary service, new skills and adventurous journeys.

Why is this such an exciting opportunity for Participants?
  • MMCC students will join 14,500 young people in Australia in completing this award in 2022.
  • Students experience a sense of adventure and learn outside the classroom.
  • Students are able to give back to the community through voluntary service.
  • Be part of an Internationally accredited youth program.
  • Students get to develop skills in activities they’re passionate about.
What will Participants be doing?

Duke of Ed Participants will be completing the Bronze Award. This Award requires students to engage in 4 Award sections.

  1. Voluntary service – This section allows students to give back to the community. Some examples include sports coaching, youth leadership, tutoring, animal care.
  2. Skills – This section requires students to develop a skill of their choice. Some examples include; learning a language, learning an instrument.
  3. Physical recreation – This section is about improving physical health and fitness. Some examples include; dance, martial arts, gym training.
  4. Adventurous Journeys – Staff at MMCC are facilitating the adventurous journeys with the minimum requirements being 2 days and 1 night.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is such a rewarding experience and the students and I are looking forward to sharing our experiences with the MMCC community.

Miss Joanna Martino