Year 11 Modern History Annual Museum Exhibition

Year 11 Modern History Annual Museum Exhibition

On Monday 19th June, Year 11 Modern History students held their annual Museum Exhibition in the Flexible Learning Space for their Term 2 Assessment.

After many weeks of research and preparation, we were extremely excited to present our museum exhibits on the theme “Racist Regimes”. Our task was to analyse our chosen regime’s ideology, and assess the extent to which racism affected the leadership policies and lived experiences of those within the regime. 

We were honoured to visit the Sydney Jewish Museum as part of our study of the Holocaust as a racist regime. A particularly interesting part of the workshop was examining the ways Jewish resistance was warped by anti-Semitic historians, as we learnt that museums have to continually reassess secondary sources to reduce historical bias and the selection of certain information out of context. The Museum provided us with valuable information about not only the Holocaust and the impacts of it, but ways museums are important to preserving and reconstructing history and making it accessible to a wider audience.

Some regimes explored by students included Rwanda, the British Raj, the Congo, Islamophobia as a result of 9/11, and Yugoslavia. The room was transformed into creative exhibitions with meticulous hand-made designs and interactive opportunities. 

Not only was our assessment mark based on our displays, there was also an esteemed award: the People’s Choice, voted on by the parents and carers who visited on the night. We were honoured to receive this award, and of course the exclusive bragging rights, as well as breaking Ms Wark’s three years in a row record! Victory for Mr Galvin at last!! 

We’d like to thank all the parents and carers who took time out of their evenings to visit our exhibition, and the work of Mr Galvin and Ms Wark with their invaluable guidance they gave to us all throughout the process. We’d especially like to recognise Ms Wark’s fabulous baking skills that provided delicious treats for visitors of our mini-museum! 

It was an amazing and enriching experience that we are sure future years will enjoy as well! 

Year 11 Winners of People’s Choice,

Kalanie, Daniela, Ingrid and Charlotte