Second Hand Uniform Stall

Second Hand Uniform Stall

It’s been another great year for the Second Hand Uniform Stall. It’s very much a collaboration between parents, SRC, P&C, the school and Gladys who all come together to provide families the opportunity to donate uniforms they no longer need, keeping clothes out of landfill and raising money for the SRC. 

This terrific service was set up by Sal McCausland about 7 years ago and it’s grown into a regular, once a term event with uniforms being donated throughout the year, thanks to the office staff accepting donations. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Sal for setting up such an important service and passing on her knowledge and experience before her time as a Fort St parent ends this year.

The SRC helps out with setting up and packing away and helping customers. Charlie and Joe did a great job as our SRC reps this year and it was lovely to meet Miranda and Grace and the other SRC volunteers at our Term 4 stall a couple of weeks ago.


Gladys comes to every stall and is quick to help out when we need help with a payment or to answer questions about uniform and co-ordinates the equipment we need.


As with all things, it’s the people that volunteer that make it so much easier. A big thanks to Robyn and Monica, Jenny, Tracey and Silvana for helping out this year.